It was Spring in Atlanta years ago
while at Life University.
I was sitting
in my backyard on a typical weekend.
Soaking up the sun,
probably listening to 80′s music,
and then IT HIT ME.
It’s what I consider my epiphany.
You’ve probably had some in your life too.
But this one you can benefit from.
I realized, fully in my body,
just how lucky we are as chiropractors.
Not the amazing service we deliver
and how we get to help people naturally…
Even more selfish than that.
We get to choose EVERY aspect of how we practice.
More so than almost ANY other healthcare provider
I’m aware of.
Think about it:
You can choose your technique (of 300),
how you deliver your technique,
your care recommendations,
your days in office,
your hours per day,
your fees,
your staff,
how you dress,
your clientele (yes, you can)
your clinic theme, feel, colors, vibe.
You are UNRESTRICTED in ANY choice you make
about your professional working life.
It’s truly freeing when you realize this!
It felt incredible when this concept
hit me on that beautiful Spring day.
But sometimes that feeling doesn’t stay for me…
I know how it can be in practice.
And I know for A LOT of DCs
that feeling’s never been present.
You feel you have to practice in a certain way.
And it’s not who you really are,
and not how you would choose to practice…
Or worse, you’re convinced you
HAVE TO practice in a certain way
(to be successful).
And you’re told to say things,
wear things, do things,
make recommendations,
that aren’t congruent for you.
It usually DOES cause a short term
increase in your numbers…
But it hurts you in the long run.
It’s what causes so few referrals
and re-activations to you.
And what does that cause?
A lifetime of needing endless new patients.
Ever wonder why the same people teaching
you to practice in a very specific way,
also promote you need TONS of new patients every month.
Now you may be able to see the dis-connect…
But worse, if you’re not showing up
to your practice as your FULL SELF,
fully congruent with what you say,
what you recommend,
and LOVE how you practice…
Don’t expect to be getting referrals and re-activations.
Expect to be needing endless new patients
your entire career.
Or, you can choose a new way that inspires you.
That works.
That frees you.
That’s what I’d choose.
Let’s do this together.
Dr. Josh Wagner