Yesterday I’m on the phone with a doctor from Nebraska.
He’s been in practice 3+ years with no profits.
He’s been with XYZ Management Company since before opening.
“They’re just so supportive…” he explains.
“Everyone there wants to help me.
It’s a great network and I can even text the CEO if I really need anything…”
(remember… he has NO profit in 3+ years…)
Next he tells me he’s investing $400/month in a STATIC website.
That’s $5k/year for a website to sit there.
Every. Single. Year.
Today the most beautiful chiropractic website can be created for that $ one time.
But he explains that the support staff at the website company is “so friendly“.
This doctor is really comfortable with his “support system”.
But is it working for him??
Let’s look:
- No profit in 3+ years.
- He can barely pay his overhead.
- He’s not happy nor living the life he wants.
Is that really comfortable?
Do you see from this example anywhere you’re sacrificing what you really want…
in order to be more comfortable?
You want to be a rock star in practice and life?
Don’t plan on being comfortable getting there.
You want to grow?
It’s never going to be comfortable.
But it will be an adventure.
And it will be fulfilling in the end.
And you will get whatever you say you want out of it.
Surround yourself with others who won’t let you be comfortable.
Otherwise you’re just kidding yourself and wasting your time.
AND…not helping as many people in your community as possible.
Time to step up, doc.