Channel: Practice Management Mythbuster
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old vs new

I’m in touch with many DCs regularly.
And there’s a common theme I hear far too often.
“It’s not the old days anymore…”
DCs 20+ years in practice had a MUCH different experience in practice.
It’s not rare for me to hear:
“If I needed a new car… I’d just see more patients
“Another kid needed to go to college… just see more patients
“I wanted a retreat home… just see more patients
But those days of easily choosing to see more patients
(because of unlimited insurance visits)
… Are ending.
And if it hasn’t struck in your state yet,  it will.
You should be prepared unless you’re retiring within the next couple years.
And this doesn’t mean you just need to know how to “go cash”…
That’s the inevitable part.
It’s actually the easy part.
Because there might be no other option.
But that’s only a fraction of the real issue.
So what makes practice in 2015+ actually work and sustain?
  • Strategic referral alliances.
  • Strategic marketing for less expense with less of your time (ONLINE).
  • Strategic communication for conversion and retention.
Because newer DCs who are growing, thriving, and happy with practice
didn’t know how easy it used to be…
So it’s normal for them to always learn and evolve as practice changes.
And they know they’ve got to practice SMARTER in order to grow.
So if the “old days” are something you remember and miss -Let this be a wake up call.
Because it’s not going back.  Ever.
And it’s always your choice what you do about it.
Complain about insurance decline or less new patients…
Or learn to practice STRATEGICALLY
Our focus and our choices define who we are.
When we point a finger at something or someone else
as the reason for where we are…
It takes all responsibility and power away from us to do ANYthing about it.
That means we stay STUCK where we are.
Anywhere in life you can see yourself doing that?
We all do it somewhere.
When you take responsibility it gives you the ability to ACT.
And ACTing causes it to change.
So in your practice what are you blaming on:
  • The economy
  • Patients
  • Insurance companies
and not doing ANYthing new and constructive about?
When you change, it changes.
Practice included.
When you act newly, it shifts.
Because I’m here for you and chiropractic.
To increase our credibility, market share, and the growth of every DC.Act on something new this week.
Dr. Josh Wagner


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